For kids Apps

Arabic alphabet for Kids
For kids
This developmental and educationalapplicationcreated specifically for children and contains 5entertaining,colorful game for memorizing the arabic letters, andto facilitatememorizing the entire alphabet is divided into 7lessons. Thetransition to the new lesson is done automaticallyafter thesuccessful completion of already studied and passed theletters inthe game "Test yourself", note: allowed only one mistake.Becauseof this, the child moves on to the next letter only aftermasteringthe previous letters.We recommend that you start learning the game "Knowing withletters"in her child get acquainted with the arabic letters tohear theirnames and seeing their images.Then, go to the game, "Letters consolidation" in her childwillconsolidate the material learned. For the final and reliablememoryuse two games "Letters balls" and "Funny rockets." And thencheckthe learned in the game "Test Yourself", with the correctanswers,will open the following new letters. Having all these gamesyourchild is easy, fun and safe learn letters.Catching up on the application, the child develops memory,logicalthinking, fine motor skills, attention, speech.The app is completely free and contains no advertising.Dear customers, thank you for choosing our application.All your comments and suggestions should be sent to we will try to make the application hasbecomeeven better.The application developed by a group For kids.
Детская игра - детский телефон
For kids
Детский телефон является увлекательнойигрой,развивающим и обучающим приложением для детей, с помощьюкоторогоони смогут весело и быстро выучить цифры и животных. Сэтойпрограммой телефон станет помощником в обучении ваших детейизаймет их на долгое время. В игре представлено 10 животных сихзвуками.Кратное описание игры:Игра содержит две панели на одной из которой цифры, нажав накоторыецифра произносится и пишется, таким образом ребенок слышитцифру ивидит ее написание; на другой панели животные, нажав накоторыеживотное увеличивается в размере и издает характерный ейзвук. Нажавна зеленую кнопку вызова происходит набор номера извонок случайномуживотному. На каждой панели есть кнопка игра, принажатии на нееначинается игра и программа проверяет выученныецифры иживотных.Занимаясь по этому приложению у ребенка развиваетсяпамять,логическое мышление, мелкая моторика, внимание, речь.Приложение полностью бесплатно и не содержит никакой рекламы.Дорогие пользователи, благодарим вас за то что выбралинашеприложение.Любые Ваши предложения и замечания просим присылать поадресу мы будем стараться сделать так, чтобыприложениестало еще лучше.Приложение разработано группой For kids.Kids phone is a fungame,and developing educational applications for children, with thehelpof which they can have fun and learn quickly the numbersandanimals. With this program, the phone will become an assistantinteaching your children and take them for a long time. Thegamefeatures 10 animals with their sounds.Multiple game description:The game contains two panels on one of its numbers by pressingthenumber that is written and pronounced, so the child hears andseesthe number of its writing; another panel animals, clicking onwhichthe animal increases in size, and it emits a characteristicsound.Clicking on the green call button dials and call a randomanimal.Each panel has a play button, clicking on it starts the gameandthe program checks the learned figures and animals.Catching up on the application, the child develops memory,logicalthinking, fine motor skills, attention, speech.The app is completely free and contains no advertising.Dear customers, thank you for choosing our application.All your comments and suggestions should be sent to we will try to make sure that theapplication hasbecome even better.The application developed by a group For kids.
Learn the Numbers With Us
For kids
Learn numbers and counting by playing fast and easy with ourexciting games!
Russian Alphabet for Kids
For kids
Learn the Russian alphabet easy for 7 lessons . Without ads!
Таблица умножения
For kids
Данное развивающее и обучающееприложениесоздано для быстрого и надежного запоминания таблицыумножения, дляоблегчения запоминания вся таблица разбита на 10групп.Игра начинается с предоставления примеров умножения с цифры1,нажимая на кнопки вправо - влево, ребенок запоминает этугруппупримеров. После освоения этой группы, закрепите выученное вигре"Найди пропущенную цифру". Переход к новой группепроисходитавтоматически после успешной сдачи изучаемой группы безошибок вигре "Проверь себя". Благодаря этому, ребенок переходит кследующейгруппе, только после освоения предыдущей группы. Также, вкачествебонуса, показывается планета с ее некоторымихарактеристиками.После прохождение всех цифр, дается контрольныйтест по всейтаблице умножения и разрешается только одна ошибка.Чтобызаинтересовать ребенка лучше выучить таблицу умножения вприложенииесть игра на двоих "Кто быстрее".Вместе с этим приложением вашему ребенку будет легко выучитьтаблицуумножения.Занимаясь по этому приложению у ребенка развивается память,мелкаямоторика, внимание.Приложение полностью бесплатно и не содержит никакой рекламы.Дорогие пользователи, благодарим Вас за то, что выбралинашеприложение.Любые Ваши предложения и замечания просим присылать поадресу мы будем стараться сделать так, чтобыприложениестало еще лучше.Приложение разработано группой For kids.This developmentalandeducational application is designed to quickly andreliablymemorizing multiplication tables, to facilitate memorizingtheentire table is divided into 10 groups.     The game begins with examplesofmultiplication with numbers 1, pressing the right buttons -left,the child learns this group of examples. After the developmentofthe group, learned to fix the game "Find the missing digit."Thetransition to the new group takes place automatically afterthesuccessful completion of the study group with no errors in thegame"Test Yourself". Because of this, the child moves on to thenextgroup, only after the development of the previous group. Also,as abonus, it shows the planet with certain characteristics.Aftergoing through all the numbers, given a control test on theentiremultiplication table, and allowed only one mistake. In ordertointerest the child is better to learn the multiplication tableinthe annex is a game for two "Who faster".With this app your child will easily learn themultiplicationtable.     Catching up on the application,thechild develops memory, fine motor skills, attention.     The app is completely freeandcontains no advertising.Dear customers, thank you for choosing our application.All your comments and suggestions should be sent to we will try to make sure that theapplication hasbecome even better.The application developed by a group For kids.
Учимся писать русские буквы
For kids
Writing and remember letters of the Russian alphabet with numbers.Without advertising!
Учимся писать русские буквы
For kids
Writing and remember letters of the Russian alphabet with numbers.Without advertising!
Write English letters
For kids
"Learning to write English letters" -istraining app for quick and easy teaching children the lettersofthe English alphabet.ADVANTAGES OF OUR GAME "Learning to write English letters":+ SAFETY - NO ADS+ Voiced CHILD+ Develops in the child's memory, logical thinking, finemotorskills, attention, SPEECH+ VERBAL incentives for each correctly completed task+ Simple interface understandable toddler+ EASY JOB - childGame description:Appendix "Learning to write English letters" specially designedforstoring children the English alphabet. To facilitate the writingofletters - letters complex divided into separate elements. Forthecorrect spelling of each element is equipped with lettersarrowsshow the direction of the finger and the two circles: yellowforthe beginning of movement, red for the end.After downloading the game on the home screen is written inlargeletters on the entire screen to the children it was easy towrite -to drive a finger across the screen. For painting thelettersshould be an element of one-click without releasing thefinger fromthe screen to hold from yellow to red circles in thedirection ofthe arrow when the finger is lifted to touch the redcircle, itdoes not count and have to try again. After successfullywritingthe letters of one element opens the next item letters. andso onuntil the end, until all letters will be written. Letters canbewritten in different colors, this game offers 5 differentcolorswith brushes to choose the child, which are located to theright ofthe letters to select the need to click on the desiredcolor. Abovethe letter of the right and left are two buttons -arrows byclicking on them flipping forward the letter inalphabetical orreverse. To the left of the letter are two buttonsfrom top tobottom: to erase all - erases the paint with all theelements ofthe letters and the lowest button - Settings to go tothe settingsit is necessary to press the button and hold yourfinger for 3seconds. In the settings you can turn off the soundcompletely,exit the app, open all the letters, and share the app intheirsocial networks on your phone.  Our app Learning to write English letters do notcontainany advertising, because advertising can harm the baby, sothecontent is paid. All figures and the first 13 characters arefree,others are paid - 29 rubles.      Dear customers, thank youforchoosing our application.    All your comments and suggestions shouldbesent to the address we will try to make surethatthe application has become even better.    The application developed by a groupForkids.
Arabic alphabet for kids 3
For kids
For kids
Writing and teaching English letters. English alphabet quickly andeasily.
ABC Teach kids The Alphabet
For kids
Learn the Numbers With Us, for Kids
For kids
Арабский алфавит для детей 2
For kids
Learn the Arabic alphabet by playing it quickly and easily with ourfascinating alphabet!